Wife finally approved cutting the cord, so I'm trying to get the house setup for the transition.
I am looking for OTA only, and some timeshifting, but probably no real saving of shows or recordings for long term at all. Mostly just like pausing to go get a drink, or rewind to re-listen to something. I will most likely run this off an XBMCbuntu install, but I am completely clueless as to where to begin on tuners. HDHomerun? Add a tuner to the existing XBMCbuntu? I can only think one xbmc in the house at a time would ever timeshift, but there could possible be more than one watching live tv at any moment.
I am looking for OTA only, and some timeshifting, but probably no real saving of shows or recordings for long term at all. Mostly just like pausing to go get a drink, or rewind to re-listen to something. I will most likely run this off an XBMCbuntu install, but I am completely clueless as to where to begin on tuners. HDHomerun? Add a tuner to the existing XBMCbuntu? I can only think one xbmc in the house at a time would ever timeshift, but there could possible be more than one watching live tv at any moment.