I'm trying to write a scraper to get movie information from the Grindhouse Database. While I like the site, this project is mainly so I can learn scraper development. Whenever I have the scraper try to scan a directory I keep getting an error about it not being able to connect to the remote server, so I'm wondering if I overlooked something.
Here is the code for grindhousedb.xml
I only have the title under details at the moment because I want to make sure I can get it to connect to the server first. After that hurdle is passed, then I'll work on the rest of the details.
The code for the addon.xml file is below:
Here is the code for grindhousedb.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<scraper date="2013-06-16" framework="1.1">
<NfoUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url>http://www.grindhousedatabase.com/index.php/\1</url>" dest="3">
<expression noclean="1">grindhousedatabase.com/index.php/(.*?)</expression>
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url>http://www.grindhousedatabase.com/index.php/Special:Search?search=\1&fulltext=Search</url>" dest="3">
<expression noclean="1" />
<GetSearchResults dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$5" output="<results>\1</url>" dest="8">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<entity><title>\2</title><url>http://www.grindhousedatabase.com/index.php/\1</url></entity>" dest="5">
<expression repeat="yes"><div class='mw-search-result-heading'><a href="index.php/(.*?)" title="(.*?)">(.*?)</a></expression>
<expression clear="yes" noclean="1" />
<GetDetails dest="3">
<RegExp input="$$5" output="<details>\1</details>" dest="3">
<!-- Title -->
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<title>\1</title>" dest="5">
<expression><h1 class="firstHeading">(.*?)</h1></expression>
<expression clear="yes" noclean="1" />
I only have the title under details at the moment because I want to make sure I can get it to connect to the server first. After that hurdle is passed, then I'll work on the rest of the details.
The code for the addon.xml file is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="metadata.grindhousedatabase.com"
name="Grindhouse Database"
<import addon="xbmc.metadata" version="1.0"/>
<extension point="xbmc.metadata.scraper.movies"
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary lang="en">Grindhouse Database Movie Scraper</summary>
<description lang="en">Download movie information from the Grindhouse Database. The database is primarily concerned with films that would have played in "grindhouse" theaters in the U.S. during the 60s, 70s, and 80s - a time considered to be a "golden age" of filmmaking.</description>